Amazing Grace Revisited
I am intrigued with the comments received on the topic of grace. In May, an article was written on this blog, using an analogy to explain the author’s view of God’s grace and its application to us. A view that man has a required response to God’s wonderful grace in order to be saved. Invariably, a response comment will follow, underscoring disagreement with any human role, and advocating a Calvinistic approach to the subject.
As I understand Calvinism, in the area of God’s grace and salvation, it is a paradox of reason and understanding that makes no sense at all. Let me explain. The Calvinist would teach that man is saved by God’s grace alone. He would further comment that any view, inclusive of human requirement, is Pharisaical, minimizes God’s grace, and creates a “works” mentality in humans.
But, interestingly enough, most Calvinists will argue that man is saved by grace alone through faith alone. This is a typical response when the debate over the necessity of baptism arises. The Calvinist will respond that man’s part in salvation is accomplished through faith alone, and not any work, indicating their belief that baptism is a human work.
Do you see the paradox? If man has no role, then why is man’s faith required? If man has no role, is anything required? Is salvation through grace alone or not? “No role” means “no role”, doesn’t it?
I would make the case that salvation cannot be by grace alone, or all would be saved. Scripture supports my case. John 3:16 teaches that God had such love for all mankind that he did something about it. He sent His Son to die for all mankind. Yet, “few there be that find it”, Matthew 7:14. God’s grace, through the Lamb of Atonement, was offered one time for all mankind (Hebrews 9:23-28; Hebrews 10:11-14; etc.), yet “few there be that find it”.
If God’s grace alone is sufficient, wouldn’t all be saved?
If Matthew 7:14 is true, and all are not saved, and God’s grace is the only component of the process, wouldn’t God’s grace have failed the many that walk the broad way and enter through the wide gate that leads to destruction, Matthew 7:13?
It’s not enough for any of us to claim Biblical truth based on our own desires. The Bible cannot be interpreted through our beliefs. The Bible, in its totality, must germinate our beliefs.
“Grace alone, through faith alone” makes no sense, regardless if John Calvin, or Calvin Johns says it. God’s Word, in Ephesians 2:8-10, teaches that man is saved by God’s grace through man’s faith. There is NOTHING about “alone”, in either component. You would need, as one of my favorite preachers is prone to say, “professional help” to read the Bible and come to any other conclusion! NOWHERE in the scripture is salvation offered without human response. If that is Pharisaical, then the Pharisees must have gotten that part right. The Word, in human form and written form, were big on repentance, baptism, and a faith that is demonstrable. That’s called sanctification, and although man is taking the steps, it is God who is doing the work of forgiveness, atonement, renewal and strengthening.
The Bible is understandable. We must get beyond Bible study to confirm what we want to believe, and engage in study to see what God wants us to believe. Yet, few there be that find it.
Excellent response. You mentioned some believe baptism to be a human work. The apostle Paul would disagree. He described baptism as a circumcision made without hands and as the "powerful working of God", see Col. 2:11-12. It's not a human working, it's God working.
God bless.
Agree......... I'm not one of "some".... Thanks!
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