The Areopagus Script: Good Friends

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good Friends

We are commanded by Paul, and subsequently the Holy Spirit, to imitate him as he imitated Christ. This would include our perspective (Gal. 1:10), our attitude (Rom. 1:16), et cetera. Paul even goes as far to tell the church at Corinth that he wished they were like him in his marriage state (1Cor. 7:7)! I believe we would do well to also follow Paul in the way that we choose friends. Paul himself said, “bad company corrupts good morals” (1Cor. 15:33), and it seems he lived what he preached when we read of the kind of companions he had. In Galatians 2:1, Paul talks about taking a very close friend of his with him to Jerusalem: Barnabas.

Barnabas is a true example of the type of friends we, as Christians, should surround ourselves with. We read of at least six great attributes he possessed and probably were a large part of his friendship with Paul. He was a giving individual. Just before Ananias and Sapphira had there famous “giving ordeal”, we read of the generosity of Barnabas in Acts 4:36. It’s important that we find friends who are generous and namely to the church of God. We must keep in mind that we are not in a friendship to “get something out of it”. Paul was not a close friend to Barnabas because he wanted something from him, but Barnabas gave generously all the same.

He was also a very trusting friend. When Paul was converted, many were still frightened and skeptical of the man who had once killed their friends and family. Barnabas, on the other hand, trusted Paul’s word and helped others believe his story (Acts 9:27).

Third, Barnabas was an encouraging friend. His name (meaning Son of Encouragement) was given by the apostles after they witnessed this wonderful quality in him (Acts 11:22-23). Paul kept an encourager with him during his hard times (Acts 15 in Jerusalem). Our lives will be richer if we have someone near us to pick us up when others around us are tearing us down.

We also read of the Holy Spirit setting apart Barnabas for a special work (Acts 13:2). Although we will not find this specific quality in friends today, it is important for us to choose friends who are Godly people and friends whom the Holy Spirit would choose were He still working in the same way today.

We need friends who are about the Lord’s work. Barnabas was always teaching and preaching (Acts 12:25; 13:7; 13:43; 13:46; 15:12; 15:22; 15:35; 15:36; Gal. 2:1). The friends we choose may not be preachers, song leaders, or elders, but they need to be individuals who are striving to please God by evangelizing, inviting others to church, et cetera.

Finally, we need to choose friends who are resilient. We read of the Jews “stirring up devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city” and “raising up persecution against Paul and Barnabas”. In our lives, many will not believe the truth of God’s word. They may even have cruel and hateful things to say to us. We must always do what Paul and Barnabas did: “they shook off the dust from their feet against them…”. We must carry on spreading and planting the Good News in peoples’ hearts. It will always help us to have people like Barnabas around who stick with us during hard times. People who are giving, trusting, encouraging, Godly, about the Lord’s work, and resilient.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great article. from reading this, and remembering your class on sunday, it reminds me of the important lessons we can miss when we dont dig into the Word. Skipping over verses like Galatians 2:1 without giving them further thought is foolish. The example that is set by Barnabas and Titus about being a good friend is an important aspect that we should apply in our own lives, like you said. Some verses like this may seem insignificant, but it was chosen to be included in the Word of God! great article...i appreciate your love for the Word.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Thanks for another great article. You guys are doing an outstanding job with this new blog. I always look forward to the next article.

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed this one. it is very true, and i am thankful everyday for the amazing friends i have in the Church... i honestly don't know what i would do without each and every one of them.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acts 13:2 ----- you sure?

7:48 PM  
Blogger Joshua Haley said...

Good Christian friends are an amazing blessing. You can tell the gems from the coal when hard times come. It always hurts when a friend abandons you during a hard time. True friends stay with you. True friends may be few and far between, but like Paul, he knew when he found them and remembered that they were a precious gift from God. If only everyone loved as God commands and acted like true friends.

4:10 PM  

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